April Glover is Little Bill and Bobby's 10-year-old sister, her parents are Big Bill and Brenda Glover. April is the oldest child in the family and the only daughter of Big Bill and Brenda, and the tallest girl on the block. April is proud to be the best basketball player in school. She has dreams of joining the WNBA as soon as she finishes college. When it comes to Little Bill, April has a soft spot in her heart. She also makes a good role model. For example, she’s the one who teaches him some American Sign Language in "I Can Sign". When Little Bill was a baby April was 5 years old. Personality:[]April is loving and caring older sister, but she is very mean-spirited, as shown in various episodes of the show. Her mean-spirited nature is further shown in one episode. Despite this, she always apologizes and makes amends (despite not doing so on extremely rare occasions). She is also very competitive, since she loves basketball. Appearance:[]She's an African-American female with brown skin, brown hair, brown eyes and a good height for her age. Clothes:[]She wears a sky-blue T-shirt, purple jeans, three pigtails and gold hoop earrings.
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