Little Bill is a television series made by Bill Cosby. It aired on Nickelodeon and Noggin in the United States. It stars a fictionalized younger version of Cosby, Little Bill, who learns about the community around him. The show is set in Philadelphia, Bill Cosby's hometown. Since the 2014 allegations against Bill Cosby, Nickelodeon has not shown Little Bill on any of its channels. Nickelodeon has even tried to hide the series, going so far as to retroactively remove Little Bill from past schedules that originally included it. StoryLittle Bill is an energetic five-year-old African-American boy with a sunny personality and an inquisitive nature. He lives with his parents, his siblings, his great-grandmother, and his pet hamster Elephant. As any typical five-year-old would, Little Bill learns from the world around him, and its impact on his life. The primary lesson he learns is that even at five years old, what he does matters. Little Bill goes to kindergarten where he is taught by Miss Murray. Little Bill's vivid imagination and fun loving nature make him a natural leader when it comes to making up a game, or creating a fantasy to act out with his three best friends: Fuchsia, Andrew, and Kiku. He tries hard to be fair and do the right thing, but like all kids, he sometimes stumbles and has hard lessons to learn. Luckily, he always has his support network of family and friends to help him through any challenge. CharactersMainSupportingBroadcastThe show originally aired on Nickelodeon from 1999 until 2006. In 2007, it was announced that Little Bill was permanently moving to the Noggin channel. The show's Noggin premiere was on September 10, 2007. On Noggin, the show was called a "new series" and the episodes were advertised as "premieres," despite already being shown on Nickelodeon. |
Little Bill (TV Series)